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About Activate.


We are a creative full scale 360 degree agency that works with clients and brands of all shapes and sizes. We have a diverse skill set and a talented bunch of enthusiastic individuals. Consider us as the jack of all trades and masters of everything.

It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do,’’ sound familiar? Well this is the Activate ethos and we are immensely proud of the team we have. Take a look below to find out a little more about us.

Luke Galliana

Managing Director

Interesting fact: Luke was a solo recording signed alongside Britney, Justin Timberlake and Backstreet Boys and can occasionally be seen singing at request at company events but hates Karaoke.

What makes you tick: I thrive on pressure and delivering great projects and experiences for clients.

Favourite Holiday Destination: Anywhere I can be with my Wife, Sophie and two beautiful girls Scarlett and Eva. (BROWNIE POINTS!!!)

Gregory Gomond

Director (Monaco)

Interesting Fact: I was French diving champion in my teens.

What makes you tick?: Seeing the ball hit the back of the net, whether that’s pulling off a huge project, creating a winning strategy, or sourcing a four-winged unicorn for a client.

Name one thing you dislike: Waste. Waste in the environment, wasted resources, wasted opportunities, wasted time.

Favourite Holiday Destination: Never the same place twice!

Lauren Kelly

Graphic Designer

Interesting Fact: I have a total of 26 tattoos

What makes you tick: Suped-up cars, graphic design & photography

Name one thing you dislike: Hot weather, sharks & spiders

Favourite Holiday Destination: Lake District or Scotland

Kian McIntosh

Graphic Designer

Interesting Fact: Crisps expire on Saturdays - I was Born in Birmingham

What makes you tick: Everything Design / Happy & Positive people

Name one thing you dislike: Going for food and realising you should of eaten at home

Favourite Holiday Destination: WINTER - New York / SUMMER - St Kitt’s

Ian Manson

Film Maker / Videographer

Interesting fact: I am the second most exhibited filmmaker at the Raindance film festival (Six times) unfortunately for me the most exhibited filmmaker is my best friend Jonnie Hurn who has screened seven times. I am however, lucky to be one of a select few who have shown at Tate Modern before their 40th Birthday. This was a film called “A short film about a Polish Film Director” which I made with the legendary Steve Norris. I also act in the film.

What makes me tick: A feeling that I can use my skills to do something worthwhile. Why I am so excited to work at Activate is one of our clients is the “Water Smart Foundation”, there mission is removing plastics and other hazardous chemicals from drinking water. They also have a keen focus on climate change and sustainability.

Activate are sponsoring me to make a passion project documentary about “PTSD” which is a massive issue within our society. I hope to lift the lid on this subject and make a film that will educate and inspire.

One thing I dislike: I can't narrow it down to just one - injustice, climate chaos and having never been able to solve the Rubik cube.

Favourite Holiday Destination: Most of my traveling has been in Europe and the States. But I dream of going to Japan. I have always been fascinated by their culture, art and history.

David Khan

Digital Guru

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